How to fill Profile

Please register on our web site if you have serious intentions and are interested in searching and dating real life-partner, serious relationships, marriage. You may register online on our dating site, create profile by filling our application form (Questionnaire). Try to give full, true, wide answers (some answers for completing the questionnaire you can find in the FAQ or send us a message.) Please fill in all required lines of Questionnaire.
Our studio will carefully check all the information provided by you in form on personal interview. Based on the data from the questionnaire will be created your profile. Add at least five high quality photos (portraits and full-length). Upload color scan-copies of your passport pages (minimum of 1000 * 1800 pixels). After filling out the questionnaire, uploading photos and passport pages, send form to us. We will contact you within three working days.
We will make appointment with you about personal interview (or Skype video-call for men), on which you will need to show your passport and prove information in your profile. You will need to confirm that you agree to be registered in our studio, read and sign permission for publication of your profile in our database.